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bio:aki [2012/03/06 12:27]
bio:aki [2012/03/07 11:06] (current)
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the boy’s face lights up and with a massive grin he bounds off back home to his uncles, he’s the luckiest boy alive and will gain the envy of all his friends, who will only see the glory and not the work involved in becoming the greatest defender of the weak there will ever be.\\ the boy’s face lights up and with a massive grin he bounds off back home to his uncles, he’s the luckiest boy alive and will gain the envy of all his friends, who will only see the glory and not the work involved in becoming the greatest defender of the weak there will ever be.\\
 +Dr Howe confused Aki.
 +Much of her time in the City had been marked by confusion, but it was confusion born of ignorance and inexperience. Here you could walk among gods and murderers and kings, and make pleasant conversation. Here fire could rain and rivers turn acid and suns be made. Here people could live without ties to their ancestry and think it normal.
 +But Aki knew Dr Howe, in some sense at least. She knew he was driven by altruism. He worked hard to cure people, to save people - to conquer ageing and death - without asking for reward. But he had taken her heart and meant it as a gift; he had copied her brain because she was a dear friend. She understood his drive to help but could not fathom his actions.
 +She looked up at the mechanical eyes and ears set in the lab's walls, wondering how to introduce herself to herself.
 +Her pulse quickened in apprehension, but it was not her heart which beat faster but the whirring and pumping of a mechanical device.
 +She had to talk to this other her, see if it was her, see how they differed. She //had// to see if the AKI was happy in her role, or if she would prefer escape.
 +For Aki worried that if she left this other her, to run Howe's lab - to //be// Howe's lab? - then the AKI's existence would be one of deepest unending confusion.
{{tag> character_eternity}} {{tag> character_eternity}}
bio/aki.1331036879.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/03/06 12:28 (external edit)
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